Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18) Your wardrobe needs some updating. Ask for new clothes this Christmas. Remember to be grateful for whatever you get. Your gratitude will fill your karmic canteen. Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20) Do not overthink the holidays Pisces. People have missed you. They loveContinue Reading

Spencer resides at Winona Hall. He is a loveable Labrador and dachshund mix. He is three years old. He loves to sniff random stuff. The smelly world around him entices his senses. He is very friendly. If you see Spencer on campus, feel free to pet him. Unfortunately, he isContinue Reading

Thanksgiving is a weird holiday for Indigenous people. We like the food but are not so sure about the outcome. The core purpose is gratitude, which we can all agree on. I wanted to honor my Indigenous blood by remembering a great leader. This Thanksgiving I write about Lozen, whoContinue Reading

This is a work of opinion. The views expressed do not represent those of Haskell Indian Nations University or the Indian Leader. The subjective, naïve, and bias viewpoint is from that of the author only. For entertainment purposes. In late October, I was invited to participate in the “Discover Bentley”Continue Reading

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18) Enjoy the company of those around. The seasons of closeness are approaching and I can feel your excitement. This holiday season have fun and enjoy all of the great people and relationships you have in your life. Pisces Feb 19 – Mar 20) WhatContinue Reading