November Horoscopes


(Jan 20 – Feb 18) Enjoy the company of those around. The seasons of closeness are approaching and I can feel your excitement. This holiday season have fun and enjoy all of the great people and relationships you have in your life.


Feb 19 – Mar 20) What an October Pisces! You did so much and accomplished many feats. Your efforts have not been wasted. Relax in November. Get your personal life and affairs in order.


(Mar 21 – Apr 19) You are going to have great holidays Aries. You will meet new people that welcome you into their fold. Make strong bonds and lay the groundwork for a secure and prosperous future. Be nice.


(Apr 20 – – May 20) This time of year can seem very lonely to people. It is alright Taurus. The stars have you in their eyes. You are not forgotten. Bring joy to those around you and will discover the reciprocating quality of love. We love you Taurus.


(May 21 – June 20) Money is coming your way! Be ready for it and use it responsibly. You always give the best gifts, but this year budget. You will need your excess funds for adventures that await in the spring.


(June 21 – July 22) You are in a season of joy. Maintain it by being positive and grateful. Do not let the shortcomings of others dissuade you from enjoying the atmosphere of the season. Call your family and tell them how much you love them.


(July 23 – Aug 22) Deep contemplation is in order. You are in a very observational orbit. You are looking around wondering what kind of world you are a part of. Make the world you want and use your power wisely. Do not forget to laugh.


(Aug 23 – Sept 22) Challenges are obvious. Do not shy away from the obstacles that seem to large. Chip away at them and you will find that a lot of small tasks add up to gigantic accomplishments.


(Sept 23 – Oct 22) The season may be challenging for you also. Prioritize. Know what is important and what is not. Excess baggage and drama in your life needs to be removed or else you may miss out of better things.


(Oct 23 – Nov 21) You are a rock star Scorpio and the center of attention this holiday season. Everyone is proud of you and will want to know how you did t. Be humble and kind. Share your success because happiness is best shared.


(Nov 22 – Dec 21) Do not make mountains out of molehills Sagittarius. It is easy to feel overwhelmed, but your stressors are not as big as they seem. Take time for yourself and relax.


(Dec 22 – Jan 19) You have made some serious changes in your life. Relationships that were not going anywhere have dissipated. Enjoy the season with family and good friends. Clear up a situation in which you were wrong.